Certification of authenticity
To obtain a certificate of archiving and authenticity of Nunzio Bibbò’s works you must follow the following procedure:
Send exclusively by mail to the Association “Arte San Lorenzo” Via Enrico Giglioli 54/A 00169 Rome the following documentation:
- Three photographs, size cm. 18×24 o A4, of the front of the work, made in a professional way.
One 18×24 or A4 size photograph of the back.
One digital image in TIF format with a minimum size of 3500×5250 pixels (format 2:3) sent by e-mail.
The photos must be accompanied by a letter containing:
The description of the work: technique (Clay, terracotta, bronze, oil, pencil, Indian ink, etc..), format (paper, canvas, etc…), dimensions specifying height, width for two-dimensional works and height, base and depth for three-dimensional works.
Name and contact details of the owner.
Regardless of the outcome of the examination of the authenticity of the work, this material will not be returned and will remain in the Archives.
Only after having received all the material requested, the Archives can begin the process.
Any material sent by e-mail of digital images cannot replace professional paper photos.
If the work is already archived, the Archives will contact the owner of the request by telephone.
If the work is not already archived and it will be necessary to view the original work, agreements will be made for this purpose.
The Archives do not provide economic evaluations.
The work can be kept in deposit by the Association for examination and a deposit form will be issued to the owner.
If the delivery and/or subsequent collection is made by a delegated person on behalf of the owner, a proxy signed by the entitled person must be sent in advance by email or post.
At the end of the verification process, if there are the requirements to include it among the works considered authentic by master Nunzio Bibbò, a statement will be issued on the back of a photograph reproducing the work.
No negative certifications will be issued.
No duplicates of the archiving certificate will be issued.